Our Care Objectives  

In order to achieve our overall aim of respecting and treating Service Users in the way we would wish both 
ourselves and our relatives to be treated, SRP Healthcare has the following objectives: 
• To make a positive difference by providing a quality service through the provision of highly trained, fully 
compliant and experienced staff. 
• To ensure that the Service User is the focus for all that we do and are central to the processes of care planning, 
assessment and delivery of care. 
• To provide a safe, well-planned, reliable care to our Service Users and families. 
• To provide support in the way Service Users prefer and at the times they wish. 
• To fully consult, listen to and obtain consent from Service Users and/or their representatives (where 
appropriate) regarding all aspects of their care. 
• To maintain and promote the dignity, independence, choice and rights of Service Users while providing care in 
any environment. 
• To respect the Service Users’ rights in relation to confidentiality including our communication and conduct, 
recording practices and storage of information. 
•To have in place appropriate systems, policies and procedures to address matters of health and safety and to 
promote safe working practices in all aspects of service provision. 
• To pro-actively and regularly seek the views of Service Users as well as significant others (including advocates) 
regarding our service, in order to pursue continuous improvement. 
• To provide Service Users (and/or significant others) with the means to make a compliment or complaint 
regarding the service, including to outside agencies if preferred. 
• To safeguard the well-being of Service Users by having systems in place to prevent the potential for abuse and 
ensure any concerns raised or identified are robustly addressed and risks are effectively managed. 
• To promote matters of equality and diversity in all that we do and ensure anti-discriminatory practice in all 
aspects of the service. 
• To provide a consistent care through a dedicated focus towards a robust recruitment process, ensuring our 
training programme leads to happy and competence, staff and promoting excellent staff retention. 
• To provide appropriate and transparent information to our Service Users and/or significant others regarding the 
services provided by us. 
• To work in partnership with other agencies and individuals as, to promote the well-being of Service Users. 
• To act as a good responsible employer for our staff and ensure equality of opportunity for all.